
Loose-leaf Notebook Drawings - Box 1, Group 7

Painting: watercolor on paper
8 x 10 3/8 inches
Date: 1980-82

Richard Tittle calls all of his works “drawings,” even his three-dimensional scuptures, to emphasize the small-scale and idea-based nature of his artistic practice. By doing this, Tuttle subverts the grand heroic gestures, monumental scale, and hyper-masculine materials associated with sculpture.

The Vogels and Tuttle have enjoyed a long relationship. The artist has acknowledged the productive nature of his conversations with the collectors, and Herb and Dorothy believe that their interaction with Tuttle has not only expanded their knowledge of his work but of all art.

All works by Richard Tuttle
To Have It About You: The Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection
Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum, University of Minnesota

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