Self-Portrait with Bottle and Cage

Painting: Oil on canvas
24 x 30 in.
Date: 1988

Cheryl Laemmle’s mysterious, surrealistic paintings contain private stories about the artist’s inner life, often alluding to themes of melancholy, memory, and imperfection. Using personal symbolism drawn from childhood, dreams, and fairytales, this self-portrait is an allegorical still-life painting conjuring the psyche of the artist through the juxtaposition of metaphysical objects. The long, carefully painted, braided hair evokes fables of princesses in towers waiting to be set free, while the bottle and cage connote isolation and imprisonment.

All works by Cheryl Laemmle
RISD Museum, Rhode Island School of Design
Accession: 2009.59.15
  • The Dorothy and Herbert Vogel Collection: Fifty Works for Rhode Island. RISD Museum, Providence, Rhode Island, July 20, 2012 – December 2, 2012.

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