11 results
30's, Jon Gibson, Collage, Indianapolis Museum of Art
One Second Drawing, John Latham, Painting, New Orleans Museum of Art
Popular Wall Painting (after Ken), Annette Lemieux, Drawing, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art
Maquette for Complex Form MH #10, Sol LeWitt, Drawing, Seattle Art Museum
Untitled, Joseph White, Drawing, Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas
Hand Line Reflection Method 15/100, Terry Winters, Drawing, Seattle Art Museum
Hand Line Reflection Method 43/100, Terry Winters, Drawing, Seattle Art Museum
Hand Line Reflection Method 5/100, Terry Winters, Drawing, Seattle Art Museum
Untitled, Mario Yrissary, Drawing, Weatherspoon Art Museum, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Big Junk, Joe Zucker, Drawing, University of Wyoming Art Museum
Candle, Joe Zucker, Relief Sculpture, Delaware Art Museum