13 results
Untitled, Stuart Diamond, Collage, Montclair Art Museum
Butternut Branches, Lois Dodd, Painting, Yale University Art Gallery
Prison 17, Peter Halley, Drawing, The Speed Art Museum
Prison 2, Peter Halley, Drawing, The Speed Art Museum
Prison 33, Peter Halley, Drawing, The Speed Art Museum
Prison 7, Peter Halley, Drawing, South Dakota Art Museum, South Dakota State University
Hand Line Reflection Method 15/100, Terry Winters, Drawing, Seattle Art Museum
Hand Line Reflection Method 43/100, Terry Winters, Drawing, Seattle Art Museum
Hand Line Reflection Method 5/100, Terry Winters, Drawing, Seattle Art Museum
Untitled, Martin Wong, Painting, The Speed Art Museum
Big Junk, Joe Zucker, Drawing, University of Wyoming Art Museum
Candle, Joe Zucker, Relief Sculpture, Delaware Art Museum
The History of the World, Michael Zwack, Painting, Huntington Museum of Art