12 results
Temple of Red with Orange, Richard Anuszkiewicz, Painting, Phoenix Art Museum
Dorothy, Nancy Arlen, Sculpture, Huntington Museum of Art
Line I, Carel Balth, Photograph, Fleming Museum of Art, University of Vermont
Untitled, Richmond Burton, Painting, Portland Art Museum [Oregon]
Untitled, Peter Campus, Photograph, Yale University Art Gallery
Untitled, Tod Wizon, Drawing, Portland Museum of Art [Maine]
Untitled, Tod Wizon, Drawing, Oklahoma City Museum of Art
Ceramic Pictures of Korean Paintings: "Cypress", Betty Woodman, Drawing, Portland Art Museum [Oregon]
Garden Corner, Betty Woodman, Sculpture, High Museum of Art
Intial drawing for "Aeolian Pyramid", Betty Woodman, Drawing, Montclair Art Museum
Untitled (in shape of urn), Betty Woodman, Sculpture, Portland Art Museum [Oregon]
Untitled (Korea), Betty Woodman, Sculpture, Columbia Museum of Art