27 results
Blue Box Inside Corner Neon, Stephen Antonakos, Drawing, Phoenix Art Museum
Red Neon from Wall to Floor, Stephen Antonakos, Drawing, High Museum of Art
Untitled, Robert Barry, Drawing, Seattle Art Museum
Untitled, Robert Barry, Drawing, Seattle Art Museum
Gestural Study, Lynda Benglis, Painting, The Speed Art Museum
Gestural Study, Lynda Benglis, Painting, The Arkansas Arts Center
Untitled, James Bishop, Painting, Indianapolis Museum of Art
Untitled, Gary Bower, Drawing, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
1886 NYC, Michael Clark (Clark Fox), Drawing, The Arkansas Arts Center
Untitled, John Clem Clarke, Print, Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College
30's, Jon Gibson, Collage, Indianapolis Museum of Art
Untitled, Dan Graham, Drawing, The  Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles
Untitled #1, Tom Holland, Collage, Delaware Art Museum
Untitled, Ralph Humphrey, Collage, Oklahoma City Museum of Art
Untitled, Bill Jensen, Painting, Montclair Art Museum
One Second Drawing, John Latham, Painting, New Orleans Museum of Art
Untitled, Raymond Parker, Painting, Akron Art Museum
untitled, Edward Renouf, Painting, Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas
Untitled, Tony Smith, Painting, Seattle Art Museum
Crackerjack, Robert Stanley, Print, Miami Art Museum
Rainbow Drawing, Richard Tuttle, Drawing, Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College
Rainbow Drawing, Richard Tuttle, Drawing, Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College
Study for Panel in Dallas Exhibition: 3 Drawings, Richard Tuttle, Drawing, Blanton Museum of Art, University of Texas at Austin
Study of 1st Dallas Painting, Richard Tuttle, Drawing, Blanton Museum of Art, University of Texas at Austin
Untitled, Leo Valledor, Drawing, The Daum Museum of Contemporary Art, State Fair Community College
Untitled, Richard Van Buren, Sculpture, Joslyn Art Museum
Scissors Jack Series, Larry Zox, Drawing, Marjorie Barrick Museum of Art, University of Nevada, Las Vegas