Results 57—84 of 374
Studio Garden, Richard Francisco, Sculpture, Phoenix Art Museum
Walnut Tree Orchard Set L, Charles Gaines, Photograph, The Arkansas Arts Center
Figurative Circuit N1, Pinchas Cohen Gan, Drawing, Yellowstone Art Museum
30's, Jon Gibson, Collage, Indianapolis Museum of Art
Codex Morales Braccio Sermugnano, Michael Goldberg, Drawing, Seattle Art Museum
Untitled, Michael Goldberg, Watercolor, Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center at Colorado College
Untitled (Drawing Plus Documentation Sheet), Denise Green, Drawing, Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art, Utah State University
Untitled (Steps), Denise Green, Drawing, Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art, Utah State University
Black Square, Don Hazlitt, Sculpture, University of Wyoming Art Museum
Long Horizoned, Don Hazlitt, Honolulu Academy of Arts
Sunset, Don Hazlitt, Painting, Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center at Colorado College
Untitled, Don Hazlitt, Sculpture, South Dakota Art Museum, South Dakota State University
Flying Saucer Working Drawing, Jene Highstein, Drawing, Joslyn Art Museum
Hello Kitty, Jene Highstein, Drawing, Plains Art Museum
untitled (three vertical forms), Jene Highstein, Drawing, High Museum of Art
Untitled Page from a bound book of 43 drawings, Jene Highstein, Volume/Portfolio, Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College
Big Leg, Stewart Hitch, Drawing, RISD Museum, Rhode Island School of Design
Untitled #1, Tom Holland, Collage, Delaware Art Museum
Untitled, Ralph Humphrey, Collage, Oklahoma City Museum of Art
Untitled, Bill Jensen, Painting, Montclair Art Museum
Exerptunis, Martin Johnson, Sculpture, Oklahoma City Museum of Art
Herb and Dot 1 0f 10 For 1989, Martin Johnson, Sculpture, Montclair Art Museum
Howsway for Acrylic and Rhoplex Construction, Martin Johnson, Sculpture, Memphis Brooks Museum of Art
Untitled, Steve Keister, Drawing, Plains Art Museum
Self-Portrait, Cheryl Laemmle, Painting, Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art, Utah State University
Along the Cove, Ronnie Landfield, Painting, Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum, University of Minnesota
What Is, Is, Ronnie Landfield, Painting, The University of Michigan Museum of Art
One Second Drawing, John Latham, Painting, New Orleans Museum of Art