Results 1—28 of 144
Blue Box Inside Corner Neon, Stephen Antonakos, Drawing, Phoenix Art Museum
Incomplete Cube Inside Corner Neon [four of six], Stephen Antonakos, Drawing, High Museum of Art
Incomplete Cube Inside Corner Neon [one of six], Stephen Antonakos, Drawing, High Museum of Art
Incomplete Cube Inside Corner Neon [six of six], Stephen Antonakos, Drawing, High Museum of Art
Incomplete Cube Inside Corner Neon [three of six], Stephen Antonakos, Drawing, High Museum of Art
Incomplete Cube Inside Corner Neon [two of six], Stephen Antonakos, Drawing, High Museum of Art
Cat, Anne Arnold, Drawing, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
50 Words, Robert Barry, Drawing, The Arkansas Arts Center
Untitled, Robert Barry, Drawing, High Museum of Art
Untitled, Robert Barry, Drawing, The Arkansas Arts Center
Untitled, Robert Barry, Drawing, Yale University Art Gallery
Red Combustion III, Lynda Benglis, Painting, High Museum of Art
Untitled, Lynda Benglis, Drawing, RISD Museum, Rhode Island School of Design
Untitled, Lynda Benglis, Drawing, RISD Museum, Rhode Island School of Design
Noiseless Blackboard Eraser, Joseph Beuys, Print, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art
Untitled, James Bishop, Painting, Indianapolis Museum of Art
Untitled, Gary Bower, Drawing, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts
Untitled, Peter Campus, Photograph, Yale University Art Gallery
1886 NYC, Michael Clark (Clark Fox), Drawing, The Arkansas Arts Center
Barbicon, Charles Clough, Painting, Marjorie Barrick Museum of Art, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Cruor, Charles Clough, Painting, Albright-Knox Art Gallery
Muniment, Charles Clough, Painting, Akron Art Museum
Constellation, Richard Francisco, Watercolor, The Arkansas Arts Center
Place, Richard Francisco, Drawing, RISD Museum, Rhode Island School of Design
Sense of Place, Richard Francisco, Sculpture, Indianapolis Museum of Art
The Hangover, Richard Francisco, Watercolor, Columbia Museum of Art
Triangle: Ghost Painting, Richard Francisco, Collage, South Dakota Art Museum, South Dakota State University
Untitled, Richard Francisco, Sculpture, The  Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles