Results 1—28 of 39
Caryatid, Bryan Hunt, Drawing, University Museum, Southern Illinois University
Drawing on Drawing (formerly "Airship"), Bryan Hunt, Drawing, Boise Art Museum
Quarry Study, Bryan Hunt, Drawing, The Speed Art Museum
untitled, Bryan Hunt, Drawing, Montclair Art Museum
Chemical and Bread Mold Structure, Peter Hutchinson, Sculpture, Cedar Rapids Museum of Art
Chemical Sculpture on Volcanic Rock, Peter Hutchinson, Sculpture, Portland Museum of Art [Maine]
Chemical Sculpture with Four Tubes, Peter Hutchinson, Sculpture, Plains Art Museum
Paricutin Volcano Project, Peter Hutchinson, Photograph, The University of Michigan Museum of Art
Paricutin Volcano Project, Peter Hutchinson, Frederick R. Weisman Art Museum, University of Minnesota
Undersea Oranges, Peter Hutchinson, Collage, Joslyn Art Museum
Untitled, Steven Karr, Sculpture, Columbia Museum of Art
Going Dotty, Wendy Lehman, Sculpture, RISD Museum, Rhode Island School of Design
Single Minded Me, Wendy Lehman, Sculpture, University of Alaska Museum of the North
untitled, Wendy Lehman, Drawing, Marjorie Barrick Museum of Art, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Untitled, Wendy Lehman, Drawing, New Mexico Museum of Art, Museum of New Mexico
Untitled, Wendy Lehman, Drawing, Albright-Knox Art Gallery
Untitled, Wendy Lehman, Honolulu Academy of Arts
Untitled, Wendy Lehman, Drawing, Yellowstone Art Museum
Untitled (#1088), Wendy Lehman, Drawing, Hood Museum of Art, Dartmouth College
Campi neri di pensiero (Black Fields of Thought), Bettina Werner, Relief Sculpture, Marjorie Barrick Museum of Art, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Little Canarsie, Thornton Willis, Painting, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts
Little Rock II, Thornton Willis, Painting, Columbia Museum of Art
Little Tough Guy, Thornton Willis, Drawing, Oklahoma City Museum of Art
Monotype plate, Thornton Willis, Print, South Dakota Art Museum, South Dakota State University
Monotype Plate, Thornton Willis, Painting, Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art, Utah State University
Monotype Plate, Thornton Willis, Painting, Nora Eccles Harrison Museum of Art, Utah State University
Study for a Tondo, Thornton Willis, Drawing, Memphis Brooks Museum of Art
The Tall Patriot, Thornton Willis, Drawing, University Museum, Southern Illinois University